
  • Yunita Sartika Sari Faculty of Computer Science, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia.


Expert System, Injury, Sport, Best First Search, Mobile


Sports injuries are all kinds of activities beyond the body's threshold as a result of exercise. Doctor's limitations and the relatively long time in diagnosing the injury, so the injury is not immediately given treatment. A mobile-based expert system is a software program that is equipped with an inference engine and knowledge base and can solve problems as the expert. The expert system is discussed about sports injuries. The method used in making this expert system is the forward chaining method and the search technique used is Best First Search. As designed in this expert system includes a knowledge base that is used to store rules, a user interface that is used to interact with users or users, an inference engine used for goal tracking, and a development engine which is used to update the knowledge base.. The ability of expert system program includes a dynamic facility identification process, along with the ease to update the knowledge base and also easily accessible or run using mobile phones. The purpose of making this expert system is to help nurses, athletes and sports people, to be able identify injuries because of sports to be faster, more precise and efficient.


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How to Cite

Yunita Sartika Sari. (2019). IMPLEMENTATION EXPERT SYSTEM TO IDENTIFY INJURIES BECAUSE OF SPORTS MOBILE BASED. International Educational Journal of Science and Engineering, 2(6), 01–07. Retrieved from

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