Monitoring, Recommendations, MobileAbstract
The health of pregnant women can not be separated from the role of obstetricians. Obstetricians in charge of examining and monitoring of fetal development in the womb as well as the health of pregnant women. To get maximum service, the best obstetrician is needed. The selection of obstetricians at this time is done by surveying obstetricians around the place of residence or by gathering information from other people, either by asking the person directly or through forums on the internet. The waiting time for unproductive services IS ALSO a problem for pregnant women in seeing a gynecologist Because it takes a long time. Queue information that is difficult, to Obtain and inaccurate makes pregnant women and their companions have to really monitor the queue even though the waiting time can be used for other more useful activities. For this reason, this research will build a mobile-based queuing obstetric monitoring and information system for mobile doctors to make it Easier for pregnant women to check with obstetricians. In this study, the highest rating given by Patients later as an assessment of obstetrician's Recommendations. The results of this study are in the form of a queue monitoring information system and obstetrician rating preference based on the Reviews largest value.
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