
  • Komal Kaur Thandi Research Scholars Program, Harvard Student Agencies, In collaboration with Learn with Leaders


Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Orthopedics, Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopedic Radiography, Medical Imaging Practice, AI


As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes more popular, its applications in medicine, particularly orthopedic therapy, are to be explored to improve the diagnosis process. The implementation of AI’s benefits extends to a broad audience, including patients and medical professionals. Firstly, AI contributes to the diagnostic capabilities of medical imaging by significantly decreasing human error and intra and inter-observability. Additionally, AI optimizes workflow for the medical professional, mainly by automating time-staking processes to leave more time for critical analyses and patient-physician interaction. For the patient, AI can also decrease the health costs associated with medical imaging. Lastly, the fears surrounding AI replacing medical professionals are countered, saying that the application-specific nature and database limitations lend themselves to high dependency on medical professionals. In conclusion, AI should be implemented globally as a tool to improve patient care and efficiency in the medical field. This paper was written to synthesize current material on AI’s benefits and limitations, ultimately to counter stigmas surrounding AI and spur further research on the topic to get closer to global implementation.


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VIII. Rizi-Shorvon, E. (2023, June 27). How AI is helping to shrink waiting times for NHS cancer patients. Microsoft News Centre UK.

IX. van Leeuwen, K. G., de Rooij, M., Schalekamp, S., van Ginneken, B., & Rutten, M. J. (2021). How does artificial intelligence in radiology improve efficiency and health outcomes?. Pediatric Radiology, 1-7.

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How to Cite

Komal Kaur Thandi. (2023). NEW HEIGHTS IN ORTHOPEDIC MEDICINE: GLOBAL IMPLEMENTATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICAL IMAGING. International Educational Journal of Science and Engineering, 6(6). Retrieved from