E-waste, Health, Environmental, Disaster, IndiaAbstract
Quick changes in technology, shorter life period and increased dependence on the electronic products is resultingin considerable increase in e-waste generation. E-waste is more dangerous than any other kind of solid waste. It is very important to know all about the e-waste before declaring it as health and environmental disaster. E-waste is the term used for old, end of life and discarded electronics appliances which are currently not in use. E-waste has both hazardous and valuable materials. Hazardous materials are lead, mercury, cadmium etc. On the other side, valuable materials are gold, silver, aluminium, plastics etc. The quantity of the valuable materials is very less as compared to the hazardous materials. In India, due to lack of formal reverse supply chain or formal collection channels, the e-waste is not managed properly. In this paper, various stakeholders are identified which play a vital role in making e-waste a health and environmental disaster. To understand the importance of each stakeholder in e-waste management, role of each stakeholder is explained in detail. Also various effects of e-waste composition on human health are also explained in this paper.Root cause of this disaster is the low level of awareness about the hazardous effects of e-waste. As the level of awareness in India is very low, people have no idea about how to handle their discarded electronic items.
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