
  • Saket Sushilkumar Sarwade Shikshan Maharshi Guruwarya R.G Shinde Mahavidyalaya, Paranda, Dist.Dharashiv (M.S) India.


Butterfly, Conservation, Environmental Changes


Butterflies are taxonomically well studied group of insects and sensitive to change environmental changes in habitats. Butterflies are considered as a great indicator of ecosystems change and to predict various environmental alterations .The survey was conducted to prepare a preliminary checklist of butterflies in Marathwada region. Selected four sites were used in the study area for the surveys of butterflies, a total of 148 individuals and 13 species of butterflies belong to 5 families were recorded. The study area is rich in butterfly diversity and further research could be conducted to obtain more details on butterfly diversity for the conservation.


I. Abaynew J and Emana G. (2018). Diversity of butterfly communities at different altitudes of Menagesha-Suba state forest Ethiopia. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6(2):2197-2202.

II. Brereton T, Roy D, Middlebrook, I ,Botham, M and Warren M. (2010). The development of butterfly indicators in the United Kingdom and assessments in 2010. Journal of Insect Conservation, 15:139-15.

III. Bubesh GM, Chalapathi RPV, Srinivas, RD, Sekhar, MS and Madhu BP. 2012. A preliminary observation on butterflies of Seshachlam biosphere reserve, Eastern Ghats Andhra Pradesh, India. World Journal of Zoology, 7(1): 83-89.

IV. Ghazanfar M, Malik MF, Hussain M, Iqbal R and Younas M.(2016). Butterflies and their contribution in ecosystem: A review. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 4(2): 115-118.

V. Ghazoul J. (2002) Impact of logging on the richness and diversity of forest butterflies in a tropical dry forest in Thailand. Biodivers Conserv.11:521-541.

VI. Kasambe Raju. 2018. Butterflies of western ghats, E-book, pp. 1-372

VII. Kim KC. (1993). Biodiversity, conservation and inventory; why insects matter. Biodiversity and Conservation, 2(3):191-214.

VIII. Singh IJ and Chib M. 2014. A preliminary checklist of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) of Mendrelgang, Tsirang district, Bhutan. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 6(5): 5755-5768.

IX. Sparks T H, Yates TJ. (1997). The effect of spring temperature on the appearance dates of British butterflies 1883–1993. Ecography: 20:368–374.

Websites for identification

i. Butterflies of India- https://www.ifoundbutterflies.org/

ii. Butterfly conservation- https://butterfly-conservation.org/butterflies/identify-a-butterfly?

iii. Butterflies identification guide- https://www.discoverlife.org/mp/20q?guide=Butterflies ,https: // owlcation.com/stem/b.

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How to Cite

Saket Sushilkumar Sarwade. (2024). DIVERSITY OF BUTTERFLY AS AN ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATOR IN MARATHWADA REGION. International Educational Journal of Science and Engineering, 7(9). Retrieved from https://iejse.com/journals/index.php/iejse/article/view/142