
  • Narigara Rutvee Mohanbhai Ph.D. Research Scholar, Monark University, Ahmedabad
  • Dr. Snehal Vaghela Monark University, Ahmedabad


Women are playing a very important role in the economic and social development of the nations all over the world. Research suggestions that females globally rarely manage time to feel relax and are stressed and overworked most of the time. Working women have a whole set of problems involving both family and professional lives. Women have to play their role as a wife, a mother and an earner. They have to manage their career while maintaining traditional roles. That means for working women it is two sets of overlapping responses. Then, in addition to their traditional roles, professional roles seem to be one of the major sources of stress that working women have to face. This review of literature gives information about working women stress, factors in the working environment that cause stressful situations among Working women. Based on the review of the literature, stress could be classified according to the nature of the stressor (Physiological. Psychological), its influence. On Individual (Positive Eustress. Negative Distress), and the exposure time of stressor (acute or short-tem Chronic or Long-Temm).

Women in India have proved there mettle in the work domain. Behind such success lies a big story of struggle and freedom in the traditional social arena. Besides, changing roles of working women, they have maintained the traditional work ethos of household. This research is devoted towards finding the root cause of the existing problems faced by the working women. It also aims at finding feasible solutions that have been practiced elsewhere nd needs to be adopted at other social fronts. The present study is aimed at exploring the stress in working women. It discusses different factors that actually are the major cause of stress. To dig out the realities, both qualitative and quantitative data collection method are used. Questionnaires were distributed to 64 working women. The targeted population was teachers, bankers, nurses etc.


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How to Cite

Narigara Rutvee Mohanbhai, & Dr. Snehal Vaghela. (2024). "STRESS ANALYSIS AMONG WORKING WOMAN". International Educational Journal of Science and Engineering, 7(7). Retrieved from https://iejse.com/journals/index.php/iejse/article/view/116